Saturday, August 20, 2011

Addressing issues uploading photos or writing to logs in Directory Manager or Directory Update

If you are having issues with Self Service Active Directory Update or Human Resources Active Directory Update Directory Manager writing to either the "logs" folder or the "photo" folder, it is probably due to one of two problems.

  First, check the Security properties of the c:\inetpub\wwwroot\DirectoryUpdate\Photos (or .\DirectoryManager\ folder).  This also applies to the Logs folder.  Ensure that the "NETWORK SERVICE" user has "Modify, Read & Execute, List Folder Contents, Read, and Write" permissions to that folder.

  Second, open up IIS Manager, navigate down to the web site on which Directory Update or Directory Manager is installed, view the Advanced Settings of the virtual directory (\DirectoryUpdate or \DirectoryManager) and verify that the Application Pool is "DefaultAppPool" - unless you have created your own dedicated application pool for Directory Update or Directory Manager.)

 Finally, in IIS Manager, navigate to Application Pools, and view the Advanced Settings of the DefaultAppPool (unless you have created your own) and in the Process Model section, make sure that the Identity is set to "NetworkService".



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