Saturday, December 02, 2006

DCPromo and Exchange 2007 - Don't do it!

An interesting tidbit came up on one of the mailing lists I'm on. The gist of it is, do NOT run DCPromo on a machine that is running Exchange Server 2007. It is not supported and it WILL break something. I know this is a small thing, but sooner or later people are going to need to know this. (The same goes for Exchange 2003!).

If you have only one piece of hardware available (that happends to be running Exchange), and you need an additional domain controller, virtualization works well!


At 10:10 PM, Blogger Brian said...

Surely you need to justify a comment like that?!
It breaks "something"?

It seems fine when I have a DC and Exchange 2007 server on the same box for dev environments. Although I will confess the DCPromo occurs before Exchange is installed.

Foxynox at Hotmail dot com

At 7:47 AM, Blogger mwm said...

I have had many issues running Exchange 2007 on a domain controller. As you can see in my blog at I have tried it twice. I can make it run but I get strange service start-up issues that seem to be related to exchange services trying to auth against an AD that has not yet started...

Take a look



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