Some inbound mail stays in Local Delivery queue - EcLocallyDeliverMsg
I stumbled across an interesting problem yesterday in an organization that is migrating from Exchange 5.5 to Exchange 2003. Inbound mail all still flows in to their organization via the Internet Mail Service. Some e-mail is delivered to the E2K3 recipients just fine, but some mail stays in the Local Delivery queue. The E2K3 SP2 server is running W2K3 with all publicly available / downloadable fixes.
After cranking up the Exchange Store Driver diagnostics logging up to Maximum, we saw some interesting messages:
Event Type: Warning
Event Source: MSExchangeTransport
Event Category: Exchange Store Driver
Event ID: 327
Description: The following call : EcLocallyDeliverMsg to the store failed. Error code :
-2147024809 (Message-ID xxxx). MDB : xxxx. FID : xxxx
A quick search of the error code (2147024809) yielded a brand new KB article and a hotfix (whew!). See KB 934450 "You experience problems after you apply hotfix 930241 or hotfix 931978 to a server that is running Exchange Server 2003"