Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Exchange Disaster Recovery and Availability by Paul Robichaux has just released the first chapter to the free ebook The Definitive Guide to Exchange Disaster Recovery and Availability by Paul Robichaux. For those of you that don't know him, Paul Robichaux is one of the best technical writers in the technology industry. Expect future installments of this XOSoft sponsored ebook over the next several months.

E-mail is now considered as critical a technology to businesses as the telephone. Businesses and organizations are now demanding higher and higher availability from their Exchange servers. I have seen many organizations throw a lot of money at improving availability; sometimes this money that goes down the drain. Many of these organizations did not really have a clear goal in mind as to what they wanted to achieve. This book sheds some light on the concepts of Exchange disaster recovery and improving your availability.

I have read the first two chapters (only the first one is available right now) and they are suitable not only for techies, but management as well. So, download this puppy and get reading!


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