Exchange users needing to choose a "reply to" address
I see this posted in the newsgroups and I'm asked in almost every Exchange class I teach if it is possible for a user to pick which SMTP address they want to when they send a message (when using Outlook). For example, Joe Snuffy wants to send a message from his own mailbox, but have people reply to the Sales alias. You can change the "reply to" address, but the display name will still be Joe Snuffy's.
The choice as to create multiple mailboxes and have the user open each mailbox, then change the "From" field. If you don't need to create multiple mailboxes, I have found a nifty product that runs as an Exchange transport sink. It looks at an address that the user puts in the "reply to" option on the message options, then uses that instead of the user's default reply-to address. I have not tested this yet, but it seems very cool.
When you combine with this with a couple of COM add-ins for Outlook called SmartReply that allows to reply from the same email address as the original message was sent to and an add-in called SmartFrom which allows to use Outlook "From:" field instead of "Have replies sent to:" field to type the desirable sender address or select it from the address book.
Keywords: Resource mailboxes multiple mailboxes reply to address